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Encuentro online internacional sobre mentorías: experiencias e ideas a impulsar

Fecha Evento: 
Sat, 16/11/2024

El pasado sábado, 16 de noviembre, tuvo lugar el encuentro online entre algunas docentes e investigadoras de la Universidad Tecnológica de Bolívar – UTB (Colombia), becarias de Fondo Guadalupe Musalem A.C. (México), con el apoyo de Mirell Duarte Méndez, responsable de Educación y Seguimiento Académico, e integrantes del Grupo de Investigación GRIAL de la Universidad de Salamanca, Sonia Verdugo Castro y Erika García Silva.

Call for Chapters: Handbook of Research on Flipped Teaching and Adaptive Learning

Fecha Evento: 
Mon, 30/04/2018

Transferring and using knowledge about educational innovation is needed to improve the process of training and learning. Throughout the idea labs, cases, researches, etc. about educational innovation, this book incorporates new advances and in educational filed to be integrated in different areas, different subjects, different educational levels, and also in transversal areas such as STEM and STEAM, with a specific focus in the use of flip teaching and personalized (adaptive) learning.